Try as you might, New Year’s Resolutions never seem to really stick. The motivation to maintain progress over a longer period of time can be hard to keep. Whether it is losing weight or saving money, it is hard to keep going day after day.
Would you be more motivated to if you could do both at the same time?
What if you could get paid to lose weight?
Did that get your attention? It certainly got mine. Yes, there are actual companies that are willing to pay you to lose weight. If money will inspire you to finally lose those extra pounds, then check out HealthWage!
Enough of me blabbering. Here’s the scoop.
HealthyWage provides a number of challenges you can choose to join. These challenges can win up to $10,000, yes 10k, for their winners. Depending on how much weight you want to lose, you place a bet on yourself to lose a certain amount of pounds in a number of months. Let’s break down the process:
Step 1 – Calculate Your Prize
First, you go to their calculator and put in how much you want to lose, how fast you are going to lose it, and how much money you bet per month. This will tell you how much you will be able to win. Using the calculator, it seems the longer span of time that your challenge lasts, the more you will make. For example: Let’s say you want to lose 10lbs and bet $100/month. If you choose for the challenge to span 6 months, your winnings can be from $667 to $900. If you choose to go for 18 months, you can win between $1,960 to $2,100. This may be because maintaining weight loss for a longer period of time can be more difficult than the weight loss itself.
Step 2 – Make Your Bet
After inputting your goals, you submit them. This is where the fun begins!
Step 3 – Lose The Weight
This is the hardest step, but there is no reward without work! Make it fun! Do it with a partner! You can also participate in the weekly weigh-ins and get support from the other contestants participating! This is optional, but I HIGHLY recommend it. Keep yourself accountable and accept support!
Step 4 – Win Your Prize
If you are successful in losing the weight, you win your prize! It’s that simple!
Academic research shows that financial incentives boost motivation drastically. If you haven’t been able to get motivated to lose the weight before, NOW’S YOUR CHANCE!
HealthyWage has had many features from CNN, The New York Times, The Huffington Post, and MORE! Tons of users are hopping on the bandwagon and winning BIG. There are many testimonials on their site and if you put in the effort, you will be rewarded.
These Women Won Serious Money For Losing Weight!
Let’s say that again. Put in the EFFORT, you will be rewarded.
If you succeed in the challenge, you will get paid. Lose the challenge, however, you will lose the money you bet with. In order to win your money, you must actively TRY to lose the weight. That being said, you must also set realistic expectations for yourself. If you say you will lose 100lbs in a 6-month span, not only is that incredibly dangerous, but you are more than likely going to fail. Know what you are capable of and believe that you can do it.
If you are ready to finally lose weight and make some decent money as a reward, I highly recommend you give it a try. If you want to test the waters, start out with an easier goal and see how you do. You can do challenges multiple times, so there is no need to go all in on your first attempt. If you want to play it safe, go for a lower goal. If you are ready to win big, who am I to tell you no? Go for the gold!
Start your HealthyWager today and get paid for losing weight.
Peace, Love, and Full Wallets,
LJ Harris
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